CMSA accepts disposal of hauled wastes from septic disposal companies, recreational vehicle owners, and haulers of organic waste. The materials are processed in our treatment facility and used the production of renewable energy. Please see below for details.

Procedures for Haulers
Stop at the designated location on the Agency entrance road. Enter the CMSA Administration Building and complete a Trucked Waste Record form.
Proceed through the facility security gate and follow the yellow road striping to the receiving station.
Hauler’s discharge hose must be at least 10 feet in length and able to connect to the 4 inch diameter female cam lock fitting at the receiving station.
Please clean up the receiving station prior to leaving CMSA using the 1.5” yellow wash down hose.
CMSA staff will collect a sample of a waste load on a random basis or if there is an indication of possible contamination with industrial waste. Haulers will assist CMSA staff in obtaining a representative sample of the load.
Please contact us if you would like to make arrangements to be placed on our list of approved haulers.
How to Access our Public RV Disposal Site
Stop at the designated point on the plant entrance road.
Come into the CMSA Administration Building to pay the $10 fee (cash only).
Proceed to facility's security gate. Once the gate opens, follow the yellow road striping to the receiving station.
RV users must have at least 10 feet of 3-inch or smaller discharge hose in order to discharge waste at the receiving station.
Please clean the receiving station area prior to leaving CMSA.
Non-potable water is available on-site to assist in cleaning your grey and black water tanks.
A staff member can be available to assist you with the receiving station, however, we cannot help you with off-loading or any other mechanical issues regarding your vehicle or equipment.
Anyone not engaged in the dumping process must stay inside the vehicle while on Agency premises.
RV discharge is $10 (cash only). Please see hours of operation below.

Member Agency Deliveries
CMSA accepts vacuum truck loads that are generated by our member agencies, and private contractors working on behalf of our member agencies: San Rafael Sanitation District, Sanitary District #2 of Marin County, Ross Valley Sanitary District.
Private contractors working on behalf of our member agencies can obtain access to CMSA facilities if we receive prior notification from the member agency. We do not accept vactor/vacuum truck loads from outside our service area or from privately-owned sewer lines within the service area.

Deliveries from Licensed Haulers
CMSA accepts deliveries of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) from grease traps and interceptors in restaurants, markets, and similar types of food service establishments, and liquid organic wastes.
These deliveries are accepted from licensed haulers with the completion of a simple permit application process, or by special arrangement.
Please contact CMSA for more information and to be placed on our list of approved FOG/organic waste haulers.
Joint Partnership with Marin Sanitary Service
CMSA and Marin Sanitary Service (MSS) have formed a public-private partnership, where CMSA accepts food waste from MMS that they obtain from restaurants, markets, and other eligible food waste generators.
This partnership provides many benefits:
Renewable resources that would normally go into a landfill are now diverted to our facility which transforms the food waste into biogas.
Reduced transportation distances, reducing greenhouse gases
Using biogas to power the Agency facilities, reducing energy costs.
Processing food waste reduces the need for landfill space.
Fewer greenhouse gases are emitted as compared to disposing at a landfill.
Click here to download the MSS Food Waste Disposal Agreement
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Waste receiving at any other time is only by advance arrangement.
CMSA is closed on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Veterans Day (November 11), Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas.
Additional Information can be found on the Permits page.
Click here for CMSA's Acceptance of Hauled Waste Policy
Click here for CMSA's Fee Ordinance